Thursday, July 21, 2011

Garden Update

Happy Summer, my loves! I've got some exciting news on the horizon regarding a 4-legged addition to our family, but I need to take proper photos so you'll have to wait for a future post. Today I'd like to give you a little tour of our garden! I showed you the beginnings of our square foot garden in this post. Other than a few minor setbacks due to the CRAZY temperatures this summer and the fact that we're still beginners when it comes to growing vegetables, it has been pretty successful. Here are a few photos I've taken throughout the season. Instead of rambling on about every minute detail of our gardening adventure, I'll do less talking and more identifying.

Pole Beans

Romaine Lettuce
Summer Garden


Sugar Snap Peas
Summer Garden

Summer Squash


Summer Garden

Have you successfully grown anything this season? I'd love to hear about it! I'm always on the lookout for new things to plant. I'm wishing you a gorgeous, sunny day!


  1. All those veggies look great! I don't grow anything, but my parents have zucchini, cucumbers & grape tomatoes this year!

    And hooray for a furbaby! I can't wait till you introduce the new family member!

  2. I'm so envious of your garden! I cannot grow anything for the life of me. I guess my downfall is I forget to water them :(
    I can't wait to see pics of gypsy dog!!

  3. I'm so jealous of your squash! We've always had great luck with ours but this year, the squash bugs have completely demolished those plants :( I'm surprised you still have lettuce too! It's looking GREAT!

  4. Oh how I wish we had a garden. These photos are amazing. Very impressed with what you've been growing. Lovely! xo

  5. I love gardens! Well, fresh vegetables!

    I have tomatoes, bell peppers, green beans, lima beans, peas, beets, potatoes, watermelons and pumpkins growing. Also planted a peach tree, 2 grape vines and a blueberry bush this year. Stay year there will hopefully be more!


  6. Holly, your garden is awesome! Congrats miss, on your first try even! ;)


    I really wanted to plant this summer but I moved in late Spring and just couldn't get it together...

    Next year. It's happening.

  8. Those look stunning! I don't grow anything currently, but I've always been interested in trying my luck with something I can grow on the balcony of my apartment.

  9. wow, it all looks so nice and green at your place! you've got the knack! :D

  10. Oh I LOVE all the green goodness in your garden. We had to replant our pole beans because the groundhogs got them. But our tomatoes are doing fabulously. I watch them every day - just wishing and hoping for them to turn red! :)

  11. wow! so amazing! i once had dreams of having a garden, but i've realized that i'm much better at going to the farmer's markets!

  12. Wow-You grow all the stuff I love! Esp. sugar snap peas. And the photography is superb. You should do a photo book some day -on Blurb.
    Enjoy your goodies.

  13. Yum! You guys are doing quite a magnificent job!! Everything looks so great and lush considering our warm temps this summer. I end up forgetting about anything I try to grow, so no growing for me :) Definitely something I'd like to conquer when I'm a full time business owner :)

  14. To have fresh veggies available in your backyard...That must be awesome!

  15. oh my goodness! your garden is beautiful and what nice photos of it too!


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