Let's Get to Know Each Other

Hello, friends!  I'm Holly, and I'm here to give you a glimpse into my sunny little piece of the planet.

Nature Girl

I'll start with a bit of history.  I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma, then moved to the Tulsa area as a teenager.  It was around that time I started dabbling in the alchemy that is the arts and crafts world.  In my early twenties, while struggling to decide on a profession that inspired me, I began selling my handmade items at craft shows and online in my Etsy shop.  The name for my business, Hollyrocks, stems from the idea that everything is made in my cozy little craft corner with a smile on my face and music in my ears.

Daylight Workspace

A variety of Hollyrocks goodies.

Indie Emporium 2013

As I dug deeper into the handmade world, I joined forces with a group of community-minded crafty folks to establish a group called Make:Tulsa, a guild of local makers who work to promote creativity and support handmade businesses in Oklahoma.


I finished college with a degree in elementary education and began working at the public library shortly after.  I am now in charge of infant storytimes and teen programming at a cozy library branch in the Tulsa area.  The power of reading has always been an intense passion of mine, so helping to spark a love for books in young minds is pretty much my dream job.

Library Girl

I somehow managed to hold on to a dreamy boy I met when I was 18 and have since legally claimed him and settled into a little 1960's house with a variety of pets.  

Family Photo

Friends have described me as "a polymer clay wizard" and "the punk rock Martha Stewart".  I'm a collector of vintage treasures, plants, opinions, valentines, thrift store clothing, buttons, books, daydreams, old keys so I can imagine what they might have unlocked in the past, and kind souls to call my friends.  If you'd like to be one of them, feel free to say hello!  Follow my blog for crafty happenings, tutorials, vintage finds, playlistsfitness tips, color studies, and book reviews.  Don't be afraid to pop in and leave a comment to let me know a little bit about you!   

1 comment:

Annita Rackley said...

You are an incredible free spirit . . . keep being that. You do beautiful art. I was an English/Literature/Drama/Debate/etc. teacher for about 25 years. I once spent a lot of time doing all kinds of arts and crafts. I haven't painted for awhile, it's just a stage. I also play guitar, keyboard, and sing, sing, sing, sing. Missed my fantasy of being Mrs. Paul McCartney, or Mrs. John Lennon, or Mrs. George Harrison, or Mrs. whoever-I-was-into at the time, depending on what day it was; but the wonderful husband I have now, Richard, although he is not into music and books like me, is better than Macca, Robert Plant, or any other rock crush. He doesn't object when I say that Robert Downey Jr. is . . . well . . . you know. He's real easy on the eyes. I used to like Depp, but I was sad when he and Paradis divorced and he went after a child for his second wife. I minored in Art in my undergraduate days. I've been a reader since I first found out what a word was. If they would have allowed it, I would probably have brought a tent and camped out in the public library as a pre-teen. I have published one book: Okie Crystal: Holy Grail of the Poor. It's on Amazon and Barnes and Nobe (what isn't), but I have sorry publishers. Well, here's lookin' at you kid . . . and break a leg . . . you're a truly inspiring soul. Annita Whisman-Rackley

Annita Whisman-Rackley